Cyber  Insurance 

Can your company survive having a data breach, cyber attack, or cryptovirus cause the loss of all your company data?

Most data suggests that 60% of small companies go out of business within six months of being victims of a data breach or cyber attack.

According to a report by insurance providers, cyber attacks cost businesses of all sizes about $200k on average, with about 43 percent aimed at small businesses. Of those small businesses that are attacked, only about 14% are prepared to defend themselves or have cyber insurance in place to survive the storm of possible legal and IT costs that can quickly follow.

Cybersecurity Data: 

  • 68% of small businesses have experienced a cyber attack in the last 12 months (2019)
  • 47% of businesses between 100 – 1,000 employees were hit with a ransomware attack last year.
  • The average cost to remediate a ransomware attack is $505,827 for a company between 100 and 1,000 employees.
  • The average cost for a SMALL business data breach is $120,000 to $1.24 million (2019)
  • Of small businesses, 37% suffer financial loss, 25% file for bankruptcy, and 9.7% go out of business.
  • These losses included liability for lost credit card data (some were hundreds of thousands of dollars), plus the loss of credibility with your customers.
  • Fortunately, over 89% of those with cyber insurance said it covered their losses—and 87% were HAPPY they had it.
  • Especially when you consider the average annual cost for $1 million in coverage to be between $1,000 and $7k per year (depending on size and industry), cyber insurance is a fraction of the cost of the overall IT budget. Yet having cyber insurance in place could SAVE your business.

So, how do you protect your business?

Good cyber security and training help—but in all these cases… The results of getting HIT with a Cyber Attack (even with everything in place) — can, in many cases, SHUT YOU DOWN unless you already have a good cyber security policy in place.

See CNBC Article: Cyberattacks



Why is cyber insurance important?

The loss, compromise, or theft of computer-related data can negatively impact a business, including the loss of customers and revenue.

Businesses may be liable for damages from third-party and customer data theft.

Cyber liability coverage is essential to protect businesses against cyber events, including those associated with hackers, terrorism, viruses, crypto-viruses, and related risks.

Cyber-risk coverage can assist in the timely remediation of cyber attacks and incidents.

Protect your business with Cyber Security Insurance.

We have associates who can provide multiple quotes and help you identify the best provider and policy to meet your business needs.

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Cyber Insurance Info


Protection within your budget


Cybersecurity insurance protects businesses against financial losses caused by cyber incidents, including data breaches and theft, system hacking, ransomware extortion payments, and denial of service

Now that you can see some of the advantages of cyber insurance, who should you select? They are NOT all the same. (Even when all is said and done, it is still best to reduce the risk in advance.)

Concerns about getting Cyber Insurance:

Help is just a few clicks away, let us get your company a policy that meets your needs at a reasonable price, yet avoids the concerns listed below! 

  • Some do not provide or recommend the right coverage. When considering cyber insurance, you need to make sure it covers the most common problems—including breach, ransomware, cybercrime, and cyberterrorism—and has the capability to properly evaluate your risk (based on actual data, not black-box formulas).
  • Not all carriers help you avoid a breach. They don’t do proper analysis before your potential problems and do not provide security awareness training, a risk reduction plan, or proper information—critical if a problem occurs.
  • Most do not provide immediate help. Most insurance companies do not know your business and require you to hunt for an approved security expert if a breach occurs.
  • They don’t recommend or leverage existing cybersecurity tools. It would be best if you had tools that would effectively prevent and respond to CITY cyber attacks, plus FAST expert help, preferably from someone who knows your business, IT systems, and team.
  • Most do not have any sources to help FIX your breach. Some will pay to replace but do little to help you recover (which is the more significant loss)—and most don’t even know who can help you.

Some of the Best Cyber Insurance in THE USA

There are FIVE MAIN reasons to consider our partners for Cyber Security

1. Comprehensive Cyber Insurance
2. BEST pre-breach services
3. BEST Breach Response
4. Use of the BEST cyber tools
5. Industry’s BEST distribution w/Local Security Support



Get a free no-obligation quote today.

Cyber Insurance Info

What is Cyber Liability Insurance?

  • It covers you WHEN you still get hacked (ransomware or breached)
  • It pays to get your systems restored (when possible), or replaced, so you can get your business back up and running
  • Covers the costs of lost revenue while your business is down
  • Helps pay to harden your systems—to reduce future attacks
  • Drastically reduces liability from exposed confidential data
  • It helps remediate your reputation
  • Protects you from the cost of damages to third parties
Even if you have Cyber Security Insurance, not all policies are the same. Our partners can review your current policy and then provide multiple options on policies from the leading carriers to find a policy that matches your needs and price.


SOME OF THE Best Comprehensive Cyber Insurance in THE USA

  • Broad First-Party Coverage covers losses and damages to your company’s computers, network, IT systems, and business that result from a cyber-attack.
  • Complete Third-Party Coverage It covers losses and damages to third parties, such as customers or related businesses, that result from a cyber incident.
  • Clear language and explanations: The company will help you understand in simple language what cyber insurance covers and what it does not.
  • Compares Your Cyber Coverage to Your Peers Our Partners provide clear metrics of how your cyber coverage compares to similar-sized companies in your industry.

BEST Pre-Breach Services in  the USA

  • Comprehensive Cyber Risk Analysis.  Our partners create a detailed individual cyber risk analysis based on the industry’s best learning cyber risk model, which incorporates over three thousand potential risk factors. This model is based on the world’s most extensive data set of cyber losses and tracks nearly a million companies and over $10bn in insurance premiums.
  • Auto Alerts MSP if Issues Emerge. Assigned Managed Service Providers (MSP) monitor updates, breaches, and risks and receive automatic notifications so they can fix problems before they escalate.
  • Analyzes Your Current IT and Cyber Stack. Our Partners work directly with you and your MSP to determine the current state of your IT and cyber security stack. You can see your security risk compared to similar organizations of your size and industry.
  • Breach Preparedness and Security Awareness Training. Our partners provide cyber security education to your team to pre-emptively protect your company.

Cyber Insurance Info

Cyber Security:

We have been helping businesses with technology since 1999 – Omega Magnus Corp.

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