Employee Cyber Security Training 

Most data suggests that around 95% of data breaches are caused by employee error!  Because of this, proper training to spot and avoid falling victim to phishing attempts is a must.

Employees continue to be the primary weakest link in cyber security for businesses.  

Better Email Security and Employee Training will help protect your company.


Employee Vulnerability assessment and training system

Most data suggests that around 95% of data breaches are caused by employee error!  Because of this proper training to spot and avoid falling victim to phishing attempts is a must.

Phishing Email Attacks happen over 3 million each day and growing.  They can now do focused spear phishing attacks that the emails look like a real email from Sr Staff, CEO, COO. Being sent directly to accounting, and other staff demanding results or action by your employees.   Is your staff trained well enough to spot the real from the fake mails?


Let Us Help

We have an employee training system to help employees stay alert to the ever-growing ways bad actors attempt to gain access to your company’s computer systems and information.  


The Training System is designed to provide a real-time Employee Secure Score (ESS) so that employers can confirm which employees are not as computer security educated as they need to be to protect the company from potential computer risks.

Constantly updated with the latest Cyber Security Educational concerns to better protect your company.



Let raise the bar of employee education

We help identify employees that are not computer security savvy. Then provide ways for them to get better.

As new security risks become apparent we automatically add additional training modules into the program to keep your employees become aware, informed and trained to help avoid being a victim. 


Employee education systems 

Training system to help teach employees to be more mindful of potential attacks is listed below.

The best prevention is to teach employees to be more mindful of potential attacks before a real one gets into the company and causes serious damage.


We Will Lead The Way

No more concerns for the lack of advanced threat capabilities of Microsoft and Google by using are our services listed below.

OverWatch Security Training

$3.50 per employee / per month + $25.00 setup fee



Employees Education:

  • Security Assessments   
  • ESS Rating by Employee
  • Constantly updated 
  • Easy to setup and manage
  • A platform for delivering easy-to-understand, written security policies and procedures.

  • Monthly micro-training lessons emailed to employees on phishing, ransomware, computer security, physical protection.

OverWatch Monthly Email Phishing Tests

$3.50 per employee / per month + $25 setup fee

OW EMAIL PHISHING Simulation and testing. 

 We will conduct monthly Phishing tests on your employees to determine their ability to identify fake emails or not.

Easy setup support for Microsoft 365 and Google Workgroups.

  • Send employees different types of fake emails for them to determine if they are real or not.

OverWatch Monthly Security Training & Phishing Tests Combined

$5.50 per month / per email Account + $25.00 setup fee

(See above two systems combined at a savings.)

OW EMAIL PHISHING + Security Training:

Simulation / Testing and Cyber Security Training System all in one solution and monthly cost per employee. 

  • Send employees different types of fake emails for them to determine if they are real or not.
  • Provide monthly up to date training.

IRONSCALES – Security Training & Phishing Simulation

$3.50 / month per email account

This program includes cyber security training and phishing simulation at a great price!









IRONSCALES Phishing Simulation & Training Premium is a new module that provides NINJIO’S full library of award-winning micro-learning phishing and security training simulation videos.


The Episodes are written by a Hollywood storyteller, and are based on or inspired by significant breaches suffered by real organizations. The videos focus on a single attack vector per episode, with subjects that include PCI, HIPAA, NIST, and GDPR. 


The Phishing Simulation & Training is a key training feature and helps deliver simulations and user training for phishing detection that are more fun and engaging for improved user participation and results. 


  • Simulation videos
  • User training videos
  • Improved user participation with security training.
  • Phishing Simulation 
  • Supports: Microsoft 365, Google, Exchange

Email Security – Additional Options for Advanced Email Security Systems to add to your existing security fabric:

SC Dark Monitoring

$200 / month per email domain name

Constantly scan for any information on company info, emails, contacts connected to your company email domain name for 1 year.

  • stolen passwords
  • employee data
  • stolen data
  • SSN
  • Credit Cards
  • Customer Data


We have been helping businesses with technology since 1999 – Omega Magnus Corp.

Cyber NiNJA – White SPACE

Let us help improve your cyber security fabric today!

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More Advanced Cybersecurity is AVAILABLE to protect your business.

The bad actors are only getting better at attacking businesses, is your company protected?

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Most services have direct support, but if you can not find the number or need additional help let us know.

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