Shadow Canvas: Cyber Security Insurance
Please provide information for Cyber Security Insurance.
Enter name of person at your company responsible for Information Security, or NA if you do not have such a person on staff.
Yes or NO, and how often? Yearly, Monthly, Continually, or None?
Information security and privacy policies in place and signed by employees?
Yes or NO on continuity and disaster recovery plan for system outages, data loss, extended down times?
Is payments / funds verified before given by internal company requests, such as email from CEO, CFO and so forth?
Does the applicant do business in any of these areas? 1. Cryptocurrency related industries, including mining, exchanges, ICOs, storage 2. Pornography 3. Social Media Platforms and Internet Content Publishing 4. IT Managed Service Providers 5. Private individuals (excluding sole traders)*
Google Drive, One Drive, Drop Box and other similar services?